BSC Group has worked with various departments, commissions and elected officials in the Town of Winthrop to stabilize an eroding landfill adjacent to the Belle Isle Marsh. The Winthrop cemetery sits atop the old landfill.
The design included removal of 500 cubic yards of solid waste/soil from the marsh and beach area, installation of a 500-foot long revetment to stop erosion, a stormwater control system and creation of a new access way. The access way is intended to become a long-term 1,800-foot long pedestrian trail along the salt marsh that makes an otherwise inaccessible area open to the public and emergency vehicles. In addition, extensive reuse of on site waste concrete and design of a new landfill cell on the site resulted in containing or re-using all waste materials from the project. This item alone resulted in extensive savings to the town due to not having to truck excess material out of Winthrop.
BSC negotiated the project through a consent order with DEP and met all the schedule requirements. In fact, the project was substantially complete one month ahead of schedule at which time the final construction report was delivered to DEP. It was also completed under budget and with no construction change orders.
This project, through a cautious approach to and careful delineation of jurisdictional boundaries, avoided Chapter 91 Licensing, Army Corps of Engineers permits and MEPA, even though there was armoring of a “coastal bank” in very close proximity to the salt marsh and high tide line. Ultimately, the only permits required were from the Winthrop Conservation Commission and DEP Division of Solid Waste.