Eversource Energy Bethel, Danbury, and Brookfield, CT
Southwest Connecticut Reliability Project
BSC Group assisted Eversource Energy in preparing the Connecticut Siting Council (CSC) Application, which included collecting supporting environmental data and environmental permitting associated with a proposed 115-kV transmission line project. The new 115-kV transmission line will be approximately 3.4 miles long and will run from Plumtree substation in Bethel north to Brookfield Junction in Brookfield, CT, within an existing utility right-of-way.
For this project BSC was responsible for identifying environmental constraints and alternatives along the project route and substations. Environmental constraints include inland wetlands; flood plains; rare, threatened, and endangered species; and cultural and historical resources.
BSC was also responsible for developing the linear mapping to support the application and permitting submittals and for all other mapping required for the Municipal Consultation Filing, the CSC Application and D&M Plan(s), and preparing all environmental permitting, which has included NPDES Stormwater permits, Army Corps of Engineers, and Connecticut Natural Diversity Database (NDDB) coordination.