
Eversource EV Charging Infrastructure

Electric vehicles have emerged as a popular and effective way to reduce the use of fossil fuels and associated greenhouse gases. Eversource is responding to the resulting growing demand for EV charging stations by launching an initiative to fully fund the infrastructure costs associated with the installation of car charging stations in approved locations. BSC…Read More

Marine Park Redevelopment and Design

BSC Group is providing surveying, landscape architecture, permitting, public engagement, and conceptual design services for the redevelopment and design of DCR’s Marine Park located in South Boston, MA. This project will provide a safe, resilient, and functional memorial coastal play park and gathering area in memory of beloved child, Colin McGrath and local community activist,…Read More

Houghton’s Pond Recreation Area

Acting as a subconsultant to HKT Architects, BSC Group was responsible for permitting, erosion and sedimentation control, and stormwater management for the construction of a new bathhouse and providing universal access to DCR's Houghton’s Pond Recreation Area. BSC's responsibilities included preparing the Notice of Intent and supporting DCR in obtaining an Order of Conditions from…Read More

Hammond Pond Parkway Renovation

Assisting the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), BSC Group is designing a full-depth roadway reconstruction of Hammond Pond Parkway in the City of Newton. The final design will achieve a total re-channelization of the corridor to implement a road diet that will include pedestrian and bicycle accommodations, as well as streetscape design elements…Read More

Main Street Complete Streets Design

The Connecticut Metropolitan Council of Governments (MetroCOG), in partnership with the Town of Stratford, selected BSC to design a variety of improvements within Stratford Center along a ¾ mile segment of Main Street (Route 113). BSC's design includes a variety of roadway intersection improvements, wide multi-use walkways, lighting, and other means of ensuring safe commuting.…Read More

Horseneck Beach Campground

BSC Group was selected to provide planning and design services for improvements at the Department of Conservation and Recreation’s (DCR) Horseneck Beach Campground in Westport. The campground, which is among one of the most popular of DCR’s facilities, was in need of site-wide improvements to provide a more efficient, sustainable, resilient and enjoyable camping experience.…Read More

Permitting for Solar Arrays

BSC has provided integrated planning, engineering, permitting, and land surveying to support the development of corporate solar systems in New England. Specifically, in the communities of Spencer, East Brookfield and North Brookfield, MA, BSC conducted feasibility assessments for siting of solar arrays, relative to stormwater management, site plan review, setbacks, grading, glare and visual impacts.…Read More

Ecological Support for Transmission Line and Structure Replacements

BSC Group serves as an on-call consultant to Vermont Transco, LLC (Velco) performing as needed engineering and environmental services for various improvements and upgrades to their high-voltage electric transmission systems. Under this contract BSC is providing natural resource area delineations, permitting, mapping, and general project support for the replacement of the three separate structures in…Read More

Transmission Storm Hardening Program

Under a contract with Eversource Energy, BSC is identifying and mapping environmental constraints, determining suitable structure access, evaluating permitting requirements, preparing and filing any required permit applications, and overseeing construction in sensitive areas. Collectively, siting and permitting projects have involved wetland delineation and GPS survey for over 100 miles of ROW, GIS mapping of wetlands…Read More

Southwest Connecticut Reliability Project

BSC Group assisted Eversource Energy in preparing the Connecticut Siting Council (CSC) Application, which included collecting supporting environmental data and environmental permitting associated with a proposed 115-kV transmission line project. The new 115-kV transmission line will be approximately 3.4 miles long and will run from Plumtree substation in Bethel north to Brookfield Junction in Brookfield,…Read More