Town of Hingham Hingham, MA
Town-Wide Comprehensive Trails Plan and Design
BSC provided the Town of Hingham with a series of planning and design efforts to improve pedestrian and bicycle connections between important community resources, while also protecting the community’s natural resources and recreational amenities. As part of the planning efforts, BSC completed a town-wide comprehensive trails plan, which includes an assessment of existing trails, an evaluation for future trail connections between various parks, additional trail networks, and connections to abutting communities. BSC’s Trails Plan also assisted the town in obtaining CPA funds for updating signage throughout their open space park system.
Additionally, BSC’s contract with the Town was amended to include the design of the first trail connection. This trail segment will connect a waterfront trail up a steep slope to an existing trail on conservation land. Design services include landscape architecture, land surveying, and permitting, as well as civil and structural engineering.