Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Planning
As the City of Amesbury plans for a more resilient future, BSC Group has worked collaboratively with the community to leverage opportunities provided by the Massachusetts Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) program. Working with a group of engaged citizens, BSC facilitated a series of community workshops to identify, catalog, and prioritize climate resilient actions to protect…Read MoreApple Country Ecological Climate Resiliency and Carbon Planning Assessment
BSC Group led a multi-disciplinary team to complete an Ecological Climate Resiliency and Carbon Planning and Assessment effort, made possible through the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) program. The project aimed to assess and analyze ecological resources and provided recommendations with attention to Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in the Towns of Bolton and Harvard and the Devens…Read MoreAmesbury Open Space and Recreation Plan (MVP)
BSC assisted Amesbury in obtaining and implementing a Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Action grant to integrate climate resiliency into the City’s draft Open Space and Recreation Plan (OSRP), and to update and formalize the plan, which received an enthusiastic review from Massachusetts Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs. The update included the incorporation of climate…Read MoreNatural Resource Infrastructure Assessments
Through Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) grants, BSC worked with municipal staff and community leaders in Amesbury, Bolton, Harvard, Devens, and Georgetown to evaluate opportunities for Nature-based Solutions (NbS) within their communities. Bolton, Harvard, and Devens worked together as part of a regional assessment. Our GIS services created a series of ecological climate resilience maps utilizing…Read MoreDowntown Rotary and Streetscape Improvements
BSC Group worked with the Town of Hudson to plan, design, and construct improvements to the Town's historic rotary. This project transformed an aging, industrial downtown to a vibrant, modern civic space. A cluster of restaurants, microbreweries, and cafes has earned the Town designation as a “culinary mecca for entrepreneurial restaurateurs priced out of Boston”…Read MoreAthol Helping Athol Community Plan for Social Resilience
BSC Group assisted the Town of Athol in simultaneous hazard mitigation and social resilience initiatives, resulting in an action-oriented climate adaptation plan which framed vulnerabilities and solutions local to the Town. The project was made possible by BSC's assistance in the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) grant application process. In order to reflect the specific needs…Read MoreUrban Heat Island Assessment
BSC Group collaborated with the City of Everett to produce an Urban Heat Island Assessment for the Summary of Findings Report. Made possible by assisting the City in securing a MVP program planning grant, municipal staff and non-profits worked with the BSC team to identify and develop a broad understanding of Hazards, Vulnerabilities, as well…Read MorePhragmites Inventory at Hockomock Wildlife Management Area
On behalf of the Massachusetts Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, BSC documented and mapped the current Phragmites australis within the Hockomock Swamp Wildlife Management Area in the Towns of Bridgewater, Easton, and Raynham. The project area encompassed 2,446 acres of the almost 17,000 acres that comprise Hockomock Swamp. BSC developed a geodatabase of all Phragmites…Read MoreComplete Streets Prioritization Planning
BSC developed a 5-year Prioritization Plan of the City of Gardner and also produced a similar plan for the Town of Palmer. These efforts were part of the MassDOT's Tier 2 Complete Streets Funding Program. To assist the City of Gardner and the Town of Palmer, BSC provided technical assistance to develop a prioritization plan…Read MorePages: