Worcester Miyawaki Forest
The City of Worcester was recently awarded a grant through the Commonwealth’s Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Program, administered by the MA Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs. BSC planners and landscape architects are assisting the City with the design and planting of two Miyawaki Forests as well as the design of two additional CoolPockets…Read MoreShores of Change: Climate Resiliency Outreach for Coastal Floodplains and Wetlands
BSC worked with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection and the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management to develop effective and visually engaging multimedia products to explain: Purpose and functionality of coastal floodplains How they support climate resilience, and prevent or minimize storm damage and flooding Why protecting and restoring coastal floodplains is crucially important…Read MoreStow Acres Climate Resilience Master Plan
The Stow Acres Climate Resilience Master Plan manages the challenges of a changing climate by restoring hydrological function, ecological diversity, and natural resource management in Stow, MA. In developing the plan, BSC incorporated Nature-based Solutions (NbS) with the following goals in mind: Increasing the property’s ecological diversity Replacing the driving range on the golf course…Read MoreMunicipal Vulnerability Preparedness Planning
As the City of Amesbury plans for a more resilient future, BSC Group has worked collaboratively with the community to leverage opportunities provided by the Massachusetts Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) program. Working with a group of engaged citizens, BSC facilitated a series of community workshops to identify, catalog, and prioritize climate resilient actions to protect…Read MoreApple Country Ecological Climate Resiliency and Carbon Planning Assessment
BSC Group led a multi-disciplinary team to complete an Ecological Climate Resiliency and Carbon Planning and Assessment effort, made possible through the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) program. The project aimed to assess and analyze ecological resources and provided recommendations with attention to Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in the Towns of Bolton and Harvard and the Devens…Read MoreAmesbury Open Space and Recreation Plan (MVP)
BSC assisted Amesbury in obtaining and implementing a Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Action grant to integrate climate resiliency into the City’s draft Open Space and Recreation Plan (OSRP), and to update and formalize the plan, which received an enthusiastic review from Massachusetts Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs. The update included the incorporation of climate…Read MoreNatural Resource Infrastructure Assessments
Through Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) grants, BSC worked with municipal staff and community leaders in Amesbury, Bolton, Harvard, Devens, and Georgetown to evaluate opportunities for Nature-based Solutions (NbS) within their communities. Bolton, Harvard, and Devens worked together as part of a regional assessment. Our GIS services created a series of ecological climate resilience maps utilizing…Read MoreResilientMA Climate Change Clearinghouse Website
Access to climate data is a critical element of planning for and mitigating the impacts of climate change. The Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) manages a central repository that allows scientists, environmentalists, and engineers to retrieve current data as it emerges. This clearinghouse, originally modelled after another state’s similar website, outgrew…Read MoreMBTA Pump Room Infrastructure and Vulnerability Assessments
BSC Group worked with Mott MacDonald to implement actions identified following a 2019 vulnerability assessment on MBTA’s pump station infrastructure. Following the identification and assessment of existing water pump stations located throughout the MBTA service region, BSC was tasked with the programmatic development of a prioritization initiative, intended to obtain permits from the US Environmental…Read MorePages: