
Belmont Center Pedestrian and Intersection Improvements

Working with the Town of Belmont and local stakeholders, BSC Group developed plans to create a safer, more welcoming pedestrian district in Belmont Center. By reclaiming portions of the roadway, BSC's designers created wider sidewalks to allow for outdoor dining and increased access for pedestrians and persons with disabilities. These enhancements were coupled with streetscape…Read More

Broadway Corridor Study

In order to capitalize on benefits from the recently opened Encore Casino, BSC developed a study with the City of Malden to prepare for and guide opportunities along its busy Broadway (Route 99) Corridor. The study examined existing physical and economic conditions and identified recommended revitalization options for key parcels. The study identified the community’s…Read More

Main Street Complete Streets Design

The Connecticut Metropolitan Council of Governments (MetroCOG), in partnership with the Town of Stratford, selected BSC to design a variety of improvements within Stratford Center along a ¾ mile segment of Main Street (Route 113). BSC's design includes a variety of roadway intersection improvements, wide multi-use walkways, lighting, and other means of ensuring safe commuting.…Read More

Complete Streets Prioritization Planning

BSC developed a 5-year Prioritization Plan of the City of Gardner and also produced a similar plan for the Town of Palmer. These efforts were part of the MassDOT's Tier 2 Complete Streets Funding Program. To assist the City of Gardner and the Town of Palmer, BSC provided technical assistance to develop a prioritization plan…Read More

Village Center Streetscape

In collaboration with the Town of Farmington's local officials, BSC Group worked on a streetscape improvement project for the Village Center. BSC aimed to balance the economic needs of the city with the functionality of the town’s day to day operations. Specifically, BSC provided an integrated team including urban designers, landscape architects, planners, engineers, and…Read More

Downtown Pedestrian Connectivity Improvement Design

BSC Group was selected by the Town of Wallingford to serve as the lead engineer to design a Pedestrian Connectivity project to develop their downtown “core” section of town to the new train station along the New Haven-Springfield Rail Lines. The project builds upon the Town's Transit Oriented Development Plan (TOD) to connect all available…Read More

Southern New England Trunkline Trail

BSC was selected to provide permitting, design, and survey services for the construction of a concrete culvert rail-trail tunnel. The culvert provides a connection for the Southern New England Trunkline Trail, a 10-mile trail system facility that includes a 10-foot wide, shared-use path along an abandoned railroad right-of-way. BSC prepared conceptual design scenarios and selected…Read More

Stratford Greenway Extension

BSC Group was retained by the Town of Stratford for the planning and conceptual design of a 2.5-mile extension of the town’s riverfront Bikeway/Greenway. This portion of the project will extend the existing off-road portion of the bikeway/greenway to the Stratford Town Center with several “spurs” connecting to points of interest along both the Stratford…Read More

Bolton Greenway Extension

BSC was retained by the Town of Bolton to provide surveying, assessment, planning, and design services for the extension of a 1.85-mile multi-use bicycle/pedestrian facility section of Greenway along Route 44. The first phase of this is that it will serve as an extension to the nearby Charter Oak Greenway. BSC developed a survey and…Read More

Town-Wide Comprehensive Trails Plan and Design

BSC provided the Town of Hingham with a series of planning and design efforts to improve pedestrian and bicycle connections between important community resources, while also protecting the community’s natural resources and recreational amenities. As part of the planning efforts, BSC completed a town-wide comprehensive trails plan, which includes an assessment of existing trails, an…Read More